Hebron-Past, Present and Foreve
by David Wilder
Let Your Feet Do the Talking
by David Wilder
Let Your Feet Do the Talking
April 27, 1995
At the time this is being written, the Rabin Government has announced intentions to surrender three army bases in Judea and Samaria to Palestinian forces. This unrivaled act of treason is beyond the scope of human understanding.
The response of the Israeli People was expressed last Tuesday, during the Passover holiday. Over 20,000 people visited Hebron, prayed in Ma’arat haMachpela, the Caves of the Patriarchs, and participated in a program at the Avraham Avinu neighborhood. The ceremony, attended by MK Ariel Sharon, included the laying of the cornerstone of a new building to be constructed in Hebron. It is to be named after the two Jewish residents of Hebron-Kiryat Arba, who were murdered by Arab terrorists a month ago on the outskirts of the city. Beit Nahum b’Yehuda, memorializing Nahum Hoss, hy"d a long-time resident of Hebron, and Yehuda Partush, hy"d, is our response to government decisions barring Jews from their own homeland.
For 700 years Jews were forbidden to enter Ma’arat HaMachpela. From the year 1267, until the six-day war in 1967, Arab rulers of Hebron refused to allow Jews past the infamous "seventh step" outside the 2,000 year old edifice. Even after returning to the first Jewish City, Jews had to struggle in order to be able to pray inside the building, with full rights, as were granted to the Arab population. Now, once again over half of this monumental structure is "off-limits" to Jews. However, this time the decree is not one of foreign rulers, but of the Jews themselves!
However, Israelis from all over the country showed immense affinity to the Ma’ara and to Hebron by visiting the site during the week of Passover, and especially during the two days that the entire building was open and available to Jewish worshippers. The two Chief Rabbis of Israel, Rav Bakshi Doron and
Rav Yisrael Meir Lowe, were among the thousands who took the opportunity to visit Hebron. Rav Lowe, overwhelmed, remarked that this unpreedented display of support proves the Israeli People’s love for Hebron and the Caves of the Patriarchs.
There is no doubt that the tremendous support for Hebron, as exhibited last week, bothers Rabin, to say the least. Several weeks ago he spoke to a group of Jewish Youth leaders from the diaspora. What did he speak about - aliya absorption, industry, education? No, he spoke about the Jewish Community of hebron - and needless to say, he was quite vehament, blasting the "crazy Jews" who are trying to destroy the "peace plan". Even Rabin realizes that if Jews continue to show such overwhelming support for the City of the Patriarchs, it will be almost impossible for him to fulfill his great dream, that of a Judeinrein Hebron.
If you are planning on visiting Israel this summer, make sure that Hebron is on your ittinerary. If you know others, friends, relatives, coworkers, who will be here, tell them that Hebron is a must - no less than Jerusaelem! If they look at you with big eyes and say, "Hebron - you’ve got to be kidding. There are Arabs in Hebron - It’s dangerous in Hebron", you answer like this: It’s true - there are alot of Arabs in Hebron. But there are also 550 Jews that live in the heart of Hebron and among them are over 200 children. If those two hundred children can live in Hebron, play in Hebron, sleep in Hebron, and ride bicycles in the streets of Hebron, then anyone can come visit Hebron for two or three hours. As did over 20,000 Jews last week , LET YOUR FEET DO THE TALKING!
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