Tuesday, April 9, 1996

A Passover Message

HPP&F: A Passover Message

by David Wilder
The Jewish Community of Hebron
A Passover Message
April 9, 1996

With the beginning of Passover we being a 49-day
countdown - in Hebrew called `Sefirat HaOmer.'  Starting
the second day of Passover, we literally count the days,
for seven full weeks.  The climax, the fiftieth day, is
the Festival of Shavout - the celebration of the giving
of the Torah at Mount Sinai.  The anticipation grows from
day to day, especially because every evening we recite
how many days and weeks have passed.  Jewish sages have
compared the giving of Torah to a wedding - between G-d
and the Jewish People.  Any bride, looking ahead to her
wedding day, surely counts the days. So do we.
     Today, in 1996, we still count the days, but
presently there is more than one countdown.  Shavout is
on Friday, the 24th of May.  The following Wednesday, May
29th, Israelis will go to the polls to chose the next
government.  And believe me, we are counting the days.
     Twenty eight years ago, a small group of Israelis
decided to spend Passover in Hebron.  That initial
nucleus, led by Rav Moshe Levinger, blossomed into The
Jewish Community of Hebron, Kiryat Arba, and in effect,
all the communities of Yehuda Shomron and Gazza.  It
began in Hebron - 28 years ago.
     This week, on Sunday and Monday, tens of thousands
of Jews poured into Hebron, praying at Ma'arat
HaMachpela, and visiting the Jewish neighborhoods.  It
was a true holiday and unbelievable experience.  This
wasn't the first time, but the sight and feelings of
thousands and thousands of people roaming the streets of
Hebron is overwhelming.  Especially taking into account
the events surrounding this year's Passover - the
withdrawal of the IDF from major centers in Yesha, and
the postponed abandonment of Hebron.  The new Bethlehem
bypass road, built and paved so poorly, was closed
because of boulder landslides - only a miracle prevented
tragedy the day before Passover, when a boulder barely
missed a bus on the road.  Most people coming to Hebron
via Jerusalem were forced to take an almost unused road,
increasing travel time from one hour to between and hour
and a half to two hours.  The media tried to do its part
to discourage visitors - `the road is closed - take
alternative roads' (which one?), but that didn't stop the
throngs.  Visitors waited in line for over an hour to
enter Ma'arat HaMachpela. Over 20,000  people entered the
     Sunday witnessed three special events:  1) the
dedication of a new basketball court and sports area by
Beit Hadassah. The center was dedicated by Leo and Sue
Noe from London, who decided that they had to do
something for Hebron's children.  2)  Later on The
Gutnick Center-  Hebron, was dedicated.  In the presence
of  Chief Rabbi Lau and Rabbi Yosef Yitzhak HaCohen
Gutnick from Australia, this rebuilt structure alongside
Ma'arat HaMachpela adds a new dimension to Hebron: a
restaurant, Simcha Hall, Mikva, and eventually, a guest
house.   3) At 3:30 in the afternoon  the day's events
peaked with a major rally, attended by MK's Ariel Sharon,
Moshe Peled, and Rechavam Ze'evi, as well as other public
figures.  They all stressed the importance of Hebron to
the Jewish People and their support for an eternal Jewish
Community in Hebron, under Israeli  rule.
     But in truth, all these events were overshadowed by
the sheer mass of people, wondering to and fro, through
the streets of Hebron.
     The question I ask myself is, what will be this time
next year?   Ariel Sharon promised a Jewish Community of
4,000.  Will it really happen?  We are only too aware of
Peres' policies and plans.  As I write this Kol Yisrael
is reporting the damage done by Katusha rockets in Kiryat
Shemona, and of course, the Israeli reaction is close to
zero - Peres is scared of his shadow.  Israelis are being
blown away, and the government makes plans to abandon
Hebron and Jerusalem.  What about Kiryat Shemona, -
perhaps that community should be `moved' too, according
to Peres' philosophy of life!?
     What is the answer?  No, the entire answer is not the 29th
of May.  That day should be the beginning of the answer,
but not the end of it.  First and foremost, the Israeli
people must reject the Peres' Piece Plan - announcing to
the world - the Jewish People are in Israel - in ALL OF
ISRAEL - to stay.  Then, we must strengthen our presence
throughout Yesha, adding on to  already existing
communities, and initiating new ones.
     There shouldn't be any illusions - even after a Bibi
Netanyahu - Likud victory life here won't be all milk and
honey - but the disaster that Peres has in mind will be
     What can you do?  Speak to anyone you know in
Israel, and try to influence the way they vote.  As
surprising as it may seem, many people are still
undecided - and every vote makes a difference.  If you
can contribute to the campaign - do it.  And of course,
prayer never hurts.
     We have been back in Hebron for 28 years - in
Hebrew, the number 28 is represented by the word Koach -
which means strength or energy.  The strength, the energy
of the Jewish people is not necessarily quantity, but
rather quality.  Our strength isn't only physical, but
more importantly, spiritual.  If there is no spiritual
energy, the physical aspect of our national lives is
virtually non-existent.  Presently, there is no
ideological backbone - and the result is continued
bombing, in Kiryat Shemona, in Jerusalem, in Tel-Aviv,
and the response:          .
     When there is no ideology - no spirit, rock-throwing
youths can outdo the strongest army in the world.
     Hebron is true Koach - the spirit of Israel - the
roots of the Jewish People.  These first 28 years will
not be our last 28 years - the Koach will continue.  We
are sure that with your continued support and the help of
G-d, we will all witness a successful conclusion to the
countdown -  and all of you who didn't make it to Hebron
this year, will join us next year, for sure.
     Chag Sameach.

Tuesday, April 2, 1996

Hebron-Past, Present and Forever
by David Wilder
A Passover Message
April 2, 1996

In a few hours I will, with the help of G-d, enact an
ancient Jewish ritual, performed the evening
before Pesach.  After sunset and evening prayers we go
home and do a `bedikat hametz' - in other words, we do a
thorough search of our homes, making absolutely certain
that they are totally `hametz-free.'  Hametz is the
leavening which causes bread or cake to rise - yeast.
Over the seven days of Pesach the main prohibition is
against eating any leavened product - for this reason we
only eat Matzot - unleavened bread.  It is made only of
flour and water - it contains nothing else.  The first
act done, celebrating the beginning of Pesach is the
`bedikat hametz' and then, in the morning, the burning of
the remaining hametz.
     There are many interpretations of `bedikat hametz.'
One of the most famous explains that the search for
hametz and it's later burning represents humility.
People are easily `puffed up' - proud and vain.  The day
before the celebration of our national `birthday,' the re-
enacting of our liberation from slavery in Egypt and the
birth of the Israeli nation, we reinstill in ourselves, -
trying to remind ourselves, so to speak, that we are
entirely in the hands of G-d, all we have has been
granted to us, not necessarily because we deserve it, but
because of His goodness and kindness.  We search
ourselves for leavening, for the substances within us
that leave us haughty and conceited and burn them, in a
very moving and humbling experience.
     One of the most important lessons that I have
learned over the years is that almost any significant
precept pertaining to an individual also pertains to what
we call in Hebrew, the `Klal' - or the overall Jewish
People, not as individuals, but as a nation, a people.
The `bedikat hametz'  we do as individuals must also be
performed nationally.
     National introspection isn't easily accomplished,
especially if it is done honestly.  The current period of
two months before the elections should be just this,
national introspection - an in-depth examination of who
we are, where we have been, where we are now, and where
we are going.  Based on this, people can go to the polls
and make a calculated, legitimate choice, determined by
the  views and policies of the candidates.  However, in
order for this to be a true, honest experience, the
alternatives must be clearly presented.  Unfortunately,
over here, they are not.  Four years ago, the late Prime
Minister Rabin made now famous remarks, such as, `whoever
abandons the Golan Heights abandons the security of
Israel.'  Labor's platform negated any discussion with
Arafat and the PLO, as well as a palestinian state.
There is no need to elaborate on the actions of the
ruling party over the last four years.
     Yesterday Shimon Peres suddenly decided to announce
a national referendum on the final treaty between Israel
and Arafat.  In other words, he is saying, the issue of a
final Israeli-palestinian treaty is a non-issue - a
separate vote will determine its status.  Arutz 7 today
reported that Peres has been having secret discussions
with `high-level' settler leaders, offering them a deal:
he promises that no settlements in Judea, Samaria and
Gazza will be evacuated, in the final stage of the piece
agreement.  To the contrary, they will be annexed.  The
price: a public call by these leaders to vote for Peres
and PARTS OF EAST JERUSALEM, to be given to the Arabs!
     In all truth, Likud policy statements are far from
clear.  But, I cannot, in my wildest dreams, imagine that
they would consider such policies, which are liable to
wreak havoc on Israel.  Such policies, as those espoused
by Peres do not represent national liberation - rather
they are prime examples self-inflicted slavery - a bowing-
down to an imaginary peace - for the sake of    .....
who?  Peres wants nothing more than to be remembered in
history as the GREAT PEACEMAKER.  Instead, he will be
remembered as the great piecemaker.  His vanity is
     This year's national `bedikat hametz' has
overwhelming importance.   I hope that the Israeli
people, perhaps after tonight's `bedikat hametz'  and
seven-day Festival of Liberation, will make the right
Yesterday I had the honor to speak on Nahum Segal's radio
show on WFMU in New York, at 7:30 in the morning.  The
last question he asked me was, "Passover is known as the
children's holiday.  The evening Seder is based around
educating our children.  How would you describe   the
message we send to our children when we raise them in
     I answered "that Hebron's children live their ideals
- they live the ideals of the Patriarchs and Matriarch,
they live the ideals of King David, who began ruling in
Hebron, they live the ideals of Kalev ben Yefuneh, who
came to pray in Hebron, they live the ideals of the
generations of the Jewish People, through the ages.  They
are happy healthy children, who will pass on these ideals
to their children, as they grow up and have their own
families."  I concluded by saying, "I wish upon all the
children of the world the spiritual richness of Hebron's
children."  For Hebron's children, as well of the rest of
Hebron's residents are living examples of true liberation
- liberation from  the bonds of  slavery encompassing so
many others - Hebron's residents don't live for
themselves - they live for the people of Israel - and
there is no greater liberation than this.

To all of Hebron's faithful supporters, and to all Beit
Yisrael Chag Pesach Kasher v'Sameach!

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