Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Hebron Articles - January-March 2004

Golden Calves

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

March 31, 2004

Last night, after a full night at the Hazon David Synagogue, I was unsure as to whether I should spend another night there. We knew it was only a matter of time until the troops showed up to evict us and obliterate the synagogue, but the exact time and date were still a question mark. I decided to sleep at home.

At 4:30 in the morning the phone started ringing and I knew the time had come. Quickly dressing, I made my way downstairs to drive to the site, five minutes away. I met my neighbor, who is also an ambulance driver. Knowing the necessity for emergency medical crews and ambulances at such events, his presence was a necessity. I decided to accompany him, rather than drive myself.

However, the road between Hebron and Kiryat Arba had been closed, with the synagogue site being blocked off by an army jeep, parked horizontally in the middle of the street. They wouldn’t even let the ambulance through. So, I walked a couple of minutes to the site and arrived just in time to witness the huge army D9 bulldozer start to demolish the tent which housed the synagogue.

The fifty or so youth spending the night at the synagogue had been expelled easily at about four o’clock, being forcibly and violently removed. They were taken to Kiryat Arba (across the street – maybe 50 meters away) and locked in. In other words, the gates to Kiryat Arba were closed and locked. The contents of the synagogue, the books, Torah Scroll and furniture, were removed. Then the D9 began its ugly work. And it didn’t take too long. Within a few minutes the synagogue was plowed into the ground.

A while later, when the gates to Kiryat Arba were opened, and others from Hebron were able to reach the site, everyone immediately started ‘rebuilding’ the synagogue. Rocks which had formed the foundation of the structure were gathered and piled one on top of the other, the beginnings of a low wall, encompassing the area of the synagogue. This was too much for the security forces, which again went to work, attempting to finish what they had started. The goal: destroy the wall!

The site was declared a ‘closed military zone’ and all people were ordered to leave, or else… Of course, no one left. Everyone sat down where they were, and a group of men began early morning prayers. The security forces, police, and border police tried to move people out, without success. And then, off and on, for a good part of the day, violence would erupt when the police decided that enough was enough – the ‘rebuilding’ had gone too far.

As of this writing, at about 4:00 in the afternoon, the atmosphere has somewhat relaxed. The police know that they are not going to be able to evict everyone – people will just keep coming back, while the Hebron-Kiryat Arba residents know that they will not be able to totally restore the synagogue today, immediately. So, for the time being, everyone is sitting around, waiting to see what the ‘other side’ plans to do.

This is one of the sickest situations I have ever witnessed since coming to Israel some 30 years ago. If, in any other country in the world, a government decision brought about the violent annihilation of a synagogue, newspaper headlines would scream ‘Anti-Semitism’ and ‘Racism.’ International Jewish organizations would demand immediate restoration and harsh measures to be brought against the perpetrators. Only in the State of Israel, under Ariel Sharon, can a synagogue, built in memory of two Jews murdered by terrorists in the midst of a war, be ‘justifiably’ wiped off the face of the earth, having been declared an ‘illegal outpost.’ It is unfathomable.

Despite the horror of today’s actions, it is incumbent upon us to realize what is actually happening. Only hours ago the IDF Chief of Staff announced that other ‘illegal outposts’ would be uprooted. The army is ready to “carry out what it’s required to do.” What does this mean?

Understand – this does not just refer to ‘outposts,’ be they ‘legal’ or ‘illegal.’ Ariel Sharon intends to implement such actions throughout all of Gaza and most of Judea and Samaria. He intends to give the orders and expects the army and other security forces to ‘carry out what it’s required to do.” To evict people from their homes. To bulldoze entire communities into the ground. To abandon Eretz Yisrael to our enemies – our blood- thirsty next-door neighbors whose only desire is the destruction of the state of Israel.

Soldiers are supposed to obey orders. That’s what ‘soldiering’ is all about. This morning I saw different kinds of soldiers. I saw officers who were very unhappy with what they had been commanded to do, but had no alternative to carrying out their orders. Then, there were others, who showed little emotion, one way or the other. But there were those who were happy – they smiled, laughed, and enjoyed their evil deed – evicting men, women and children from their synagogue, a place of worship, and their land. They could joke about it, they could make fun of the women, weeping, trying to explain why they could not abandon the synagogue. “Don’t you have a synagogue in your neighborhood,” one of the women cried out to the soldiers who were dragging her away.

These are the ones that really bother me. It is written, that while Moses was still on Mt. Sinai, after having received the Ten Commandments, the Jews far below began worshiping a golden calf. G-d ordered Moses to leave the mount and deal with the people. As Moses reached the bottom of Mt Sinai, he became furious. Not so much due to the fact that the people had built a golden calf and were using it for idol worship. Rather, because there were those who were joyously singing and dancing around the calf. To commit such a crime, that is one thing, but to be happy about it – that is unthinkable. Some commentators explain that this is the reason why Moses threw down and broke the first tablets of the law, because of the merriment expressed by some of the people.

Such it is here too. The legitimacy of this morning’s actions might be debated. It is a complicated political issue, to which there are different opinions. But to be happy about it? That is, in my opinion, equivalent to dancing around the golden calf. But in this case, there may be many more than one calf. There may be many golden calves. And if there are those who enjoy forcibly evicting people from their homes, we are in a very sad state. I hope and pray that the golden calves will be quickly melted down, and that all people will recognize the right of the Jewish people to their land – to Eretz Yisrael – to ALL of Eretz Yisrael. Then we will all have reason to be joyous - singing and dancing together, not around a golden calf, but in honor of our golden G-d-given land.

With blessings from Hebron.


Never Lose Hope

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

March 30, 2004

A few days ago, journalist David Bedin put out a press release that says as follows: “According to reliable sources, Sharon is preparing to announce in Washington his willingness to remain in three ‘settlement blocks’ only: Gush Etzion, the Ariel block, and Ma’ale Adumim. The significance of this is that Israel will abandon the rest of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, including the southern Hebron hills communities and Hebron.”

Yesterday Sharon declared that if his disengagement proposal should not pass a cabinet vote, he would reshuffle his government, forming an alternative government within one day.

Today’s Ma’ariv daily newspaper headline heralded, “Arbel (Prosecutor) leak torpedoed national unity government: PM reached agreement with Labor on a national unity government but talks were frozen when Arbel recommended indicting Sharon.” The story ( revealed that Sharon offered Labor six ministerial posts, including the foreign ministry, (for Shimon Peres).

Tonight, at the Likud convention, Sharon proposed a public referendum to determine the fate of his “disengagement plan,” with the participants being 200,000 Likud members in Israel.

In the meantime, preparations for the April 14 Bush-Sharon meeting in Washington continue. This week three top American diplomats, Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs William Burns, Deputy National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, and Eliot Abrams, a senior director of National Security Council who is responsible for Middle East affairs, are scheduled to arrive in Israel for top-level meetings concerning Sharon’s proposals and continued ‘progress’ of the ‘roadmap.’ Ariel Sharon is preparing them a hearty welcome. How better a way to greet them than by handing them the ruins of a destroyed ‘illegal outpost’ on a silver platter. That is precisely what Sharon is planning on doing.

On the outskirts of Kiryat Arba, just outside the west gate, which leads down into the city of Hebron, is a 20 square meter tent. This tent was pitched almost three years ago, following the murder of two men, David Cohen and Hezi Mualem. Cohen was killed while sitting in his car, next to the Kiryat Arba gate. That evening, the Kiryat Arba town council held a spontaneous demonstration not far from the site of the murder. Terrorists opened fire on the group, killing Mualem and injuring another man. Thus the name, Hazon David (which literally means “David’s vision,) – Hazon for Hezi Mualem and David for David Cohen.

Since its inception the tent has served as a synagogue, a place of worship, and a place of Torah study. Classes are frequently conducted for youth and adults, in Hebrew and Russian. The tent is small, and bothers no one.

See pictures:

Well, almost no one. No one, except the Americans and Ariel Sharon. Hazon David was declared to be ‘an illegal outpost’ and orders were issued for its destruction. Over the past few months, numerous appeals to Israeli courts delayed execution of the decree. Recently Deputy Defense Minister Ze’ev Baum visited the site. Worshipers and others penned letters to various government ministers, including Defense minister Shaul Mufaz and the Prime Minister. Seemingly to no avail. Last week Supreme Court judge Moshe Heshin rejected a request for a second Supreme Court hearing before an extended panel. That ruling paved the way for implementation of Sharon’s orders: Destroy the synagogue!

Last night, following a farewell party for the Nahal Brigade officers and soldiers, who have served in Hebron for the past seven months, word leaked out that tonight’s the night – the forces are on their way to demolish the tent synagogue. Emergency calls went out to Kiryat Arba-Hebron residents, and within a short time hundreds of people, adults and youth, were swarming towards Hazon David. There, they met some of the same officers they had only minutes before honored and thanked, at the farewell gathering. The long night-the long wait, began. Officers and soldiers, police and other security forces came and left. But the civilians didn’t budge. “We are staying,” they announced. “We will not abandon our synagogue, we will not abandon our city, we will not abandon our land.” “And be well aware, even if you should succeed in knocking down this tent which has served us for the past three years, we will pitch it again, and next time it will be bigger and stronger. You will not defeat us!”

Senior officers at the site were surprised. They obviously weren’t prepared for such massive resistance, expecting to be able to tear down the tent without any effort. As a result of the hundreds of demonstrators, they backed down, and the eviction was postponed. For how long, we still don’t know.

People spent the entire night at the synagogue, and after a couple of hours sleep, returned to the site in the late morning. Rumors of impending expulsion brought hundreds out again, in the early afternoon. Most people will probably spend the night there tonight, and for as long as necessary, until Sharon announces an end to the madness.

This is the beginning of the price Ariel Sharon is willing to pay. The question is, for what. According to most sources, George W. Bush opposes the unilateral disengagement from Gaza and several Samaria communities. Most probably Ariel Sharon is hoping that continued implementation of left-wing policies will delay his indictment for accepting bribes and other alleged crimes he is accused of. However, this will not help him. The decision to press charges against him, now in the hands of the new Israeli attorney general, is only weeks away. Ariel Sharon, the politician, will then be an item of the past.

Hebron-Kiryat Arba residents are determined to stick it out, as long as it takes, to prevent destruction of the memorial synagogue, in memory of David Cohen and Hezi Mualem. Destruction of the site will be a victory for terror and the very opposite of “David’s vision” the victory of Zionism, the triumph of good over evil. And should the worst come to pass, we will not give up. The synagogue will be rebuilt, an eternal remembrance to two brave men who were cut down there by Arab terrorists. We will never lose hope.

With blessings from Hebron for a happy Passover.


The Little Shahid

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

March 16, 2004


What does the name Abdallah Koran mean to you? Anything? If not, it should. Abdallah Koran should be a banner-sized headline in all news publications around the world, hard-copy and internet.


Abdallah Koran is about 10 years old. His exact age is not 100% clear. Yesterday afternoon Abdallah, before making his way through an IDF checkpoint near Shechem, in Samaria, was made a tantalizing offer. Approached by some ‘older people,’ Abdallah was promised a great sum of money if he would do them a small favor. They requested that Abdallah act as a messenger and take with him, along with his school books, a backpack for some people waiting on the other side of the checkpoint.

Of course, little Abdallah agreed. Why pass up a chance to make some good money so easily.

At the checkpoint a border policewoman, examining all those crossing over, became very suspicious. The backpack was big and heavy, much heavier than would normally be used by a ten year old. The youngster was quickly questioned – “What is in this backpace?”

Never having been questioned by uniformed Israelis before, Abdaallah was frightened. “It’s not mine. Someone gave it to me to take across the checkpoint, as a messenger.”

The backpack was carefully removed to an isolated area, where an army sapper examined it and proceeded to explode it. Inside the backpack was a 6 – 10 kilo (about 15 lbs) bomb belt, hooked up to a cellular telephone.

It seems that the terrorists who provided the bomb to little Abdallah had planned on blowing him up, together with the Israeli soldiers at the checkpoint, at the time of its examination. But the plan failed. The bomb didn’t go off.

Had he managed to get it through the checkpoint undetected, it is most likely, according to Israeli intelligence-security forces, that the bomb would have been detonated on a bus packed with people, murdering Abdallah and the others on the bus.

As I wrote, you should know this already because this story should be headlining all news programs, radio, t.v., newspapers and internet. But, it’s not. As of this writing, this story does not appear on the homepage of CNN, Fox, or MSNBC.

Let’s, for a minute, play one of my favorite games: Make Believe. Make believe, for a moment, that a ten year old from, let’s say, Hebron, was found carrying a bomb on his back, attempting to kill some Arabs in Hebron. Or, maybe a little boy or girl from Yitzhar, who was trying to kill some Arabs somewhere in Samaria. Or, or or …

Can you imagine the headlines. I mean, after all, one of the pictures of the year, a few years ago, was a photograph of a Hebron child pulling off an Arab woman’s headscarf. That was a major international crime which made blazing headlines. But, a 10 year old with a bomb, who was not only to be the killer, but also the target?! Why should anyone pick up the story? A 10 year old Arab with a bomb - that's everyday stuff. What’s it worth?

Only a couple of days ago 10 Israelis were killed in cold blood by two terrorists who managed to bypass the infamous ‘wall’ or ‘fence’ or call it whatever you wish – the magical barrier which would prevent any such infiltrations from Gaza into “Israel proper,” in this case, the Ashdod port. That terror attack was billed as an ‘almost Mega-attack,” due to the proximity of the terrorists to poisonous bromide tanks, which, upon explosion, could cause the deaths of thousands of people. But, here again, the terrorist detonated himself too fast, for one reason or another, and the ‘big tragedy’ was averted. This time. But, according to most news broadcasters, commentators and everyone else, it will (G-d forbid) happen. It’s just a question of time. The Spanish attacks will seem like child’s play in comparison.

In my opinion, mega-terror cannot be strictly measure by the number of people killed. Of course, numbers do mean a lot. But each and every individual person is just that, a person. And every loss is just that, a loss. To the families of victims, it is little consolation that their loved one was ‘one of many.’ When Mom or Dad, Brother or Sister, Son or Daughter is gone – they’re gone and it makes no difference how many went with them.

In my opinion, the attempted use of Abdallah Koran, an Arab 10 year old child, is Mega-terror. The vile, immoral, depraved use of a child to kill others, this is mega terror. Perhaps not in the quantitative sense, but certainly qualitatively.

Only the brilliant alertness of a young border policewoman saved many lives – lives of Israelis and the life of little Abdullah. Otherwise Abdullah Koran would have been labeled, for the rest of eternity, ‘the little Shahid’ – the little martyr, who killed and died for his people, without his even knowing it, against his will.

With blessings from Hebron.


Less than perfect

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

March 10, 2004


On Monday, February 8, 2004 an article appeared in the Jerusalem Post, authored by Matthew Gutman, called “Celebrating Purim in Hebron under a microscope.” This article is a springboard for several topics of discussion.

The first of those is Dr. Baruch Goldstein. This year in particular Hebron has come under attack, being the 10th anniversary of his killing of twenty nine Arabs in Ma’arat HaMachpela.

This topic has been so overplayed in the past decade that, as a rule, I don’t deal with it. But, for the record, there are a few points that must be clarified.

  1. The Jewish Community of Hebron has always rejected any and all illegitimate violence towards anyone, Arab and Jew alike. In fact, over the past three and a half years of warfare, when here in Hebron we were shot at day and night, in our homes and on the streets for over two years, no one took out an M16 and started randomly shooting people. True, most people here are armed, (and not only in Hebron, but throughout Yesha and a good part of the rest of the State of Israel) for reasons of self-defense, and are licensed to carry arms by the Interior Ministry and the IDF. The difference between us and our enemies is that we carry weapons for self-protection. When they obtain arms, they use them to attack. This is, by itself, overwhelming proof that Dr. Goldstein’s actions are not seen as a solution to the problems we face. If people did accept his approach, he certainly would not have been the only one to use it.
  2. Almost all articles about Dr. Goldstein invariable mention his grave. For instance, in a recent article in the Sunday Times of London: “Hebron’s children are encouraged by extremists to cherish Goldstein as a saint…they are taken to pay respects at his grave…”

    I do not know who the ‘extremists’ are, and being that they are not named, my guess is that this is the author’s supposition, based upon expectation and hearsay. I cannot say that I loiter around Dr. Goldstein’s grave site, but it is located near the western entrance to Kiryat Arba, and over the years I have rarely noticed throngs of people, be they from Hebron or anywhere else, hanging around there.
  3. Most articles equate Dr. Goldstein with Hebron/Kiryat Arba and the outlawed Kach movement, almost relating to them as synonyms. This is simply not true. It is true, there are Kach supporters in Hebron and Kiryat Arba, but there are also Kach supporters all over Israel. The number of such supporters is also greatly exaggerated. For example, about 12 years ago, before it was outlawed, the Kach list in Kiryat Arba received one seat out of nine. Another example: Hebron resident Baruch Marzel, a former Kach leader, was a candidate for Knesset on the Herut party list. The party received some 36,000 votes, (most of which were cast thanks to Marzel). I can assure you that only slightly over 100 of those votes came from Hebron. Does that mean that over 36,000 Israelis are blood-thirsty extremists, or only those who voted for him from Hebron.
  4. As for 'memorial services' held for Dr. Goldstein on the date of his death: All of these services are sparsely attended, and those participating are, by enlarge, not from Hebron or Kiryat Arba. Another service, held by the family, is small, private and identical to religious Jewish memorial services conducted for any family members who are no longer among the living.

Gutman seems to enjoy insinuating guilt by association. The prime example he uses is our old friend Avishai Raviv: "It was there [Hebron] that Avishai Raviv, an extremist settler provocateur turned controversial Shin Bet informer, used the city as the center for violent activity."

In other words, Hebron is responsible for the fact that Raviv's Israeli intelligence controllers sent him to Hebron in order to cause violent disturbances that could then be blamed on Hebron's residents.

As for the 'charge' that Raviv was 'an extremist settler,' please note that he began his Shabak-initiated activities in 1989-1990 when he lived in Holon and studied at Tel Aviv University. After being expelled (!), the Shabak moved him to Bar Ilan University and the Shomron community Ma'ale Levona. He arrived in Kiryat Arba (where the Shabak rented him an apartment) post-1994.

However, this is the minor problem with Gutman’s article. The major difficulty lies with the statements made by Professor Aviezer Ravitzky. Ravitzky is active in the left-wing religious party Meimad, whose web site identifies him as the party council chairman. (Meimad, it should be recalled, participated in the Peres government in 1996 and later integrated into the Labor party and served in the Ehud Barak fiasco.)

I would like to quote Ravitzky's gem, as reported by Gutman: "There is a type of symbiosis between the Arabs and Jews in Hebron. They become increasingly similar. Even in their dress and mindset…The fringes of both sides push the notion that 'violence is the single solution,' and that the dehumanization of the other side is the way to get there."

In April, 1995 similar statements were made by Prof. Moshe Zimmerman, who compared Hebron's children to Nazi youth. Almost ten years later another professor is comparing Hebron residents to Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. In his opinion we are all the same. In other words: We explode on buses full of innocent men, women and children, we blow ourselves up in restaurants, and kill as many kids as we can at discotheques. Our dress is quite discerning: one can distinguish the difference between a Hebron resident, and a Jew from, say, Jerusalem, Beit El, or even Tel-Aviv, quite easily. We look more like Arabs than our fellow brethren. And of course, we teach our children, (as can be found on the Hebron web site, in Hebron school textbooks, at Hebron summer camp activities and in movies we produce) to KILL KILL KILL.

The article concludes with another Ravitzky treasure: "The issue of Hebron and Baruch Goldstein's message does not reach the rest of Israel. If we didn't read about the parades in the press, we would never know about them."

Again – Hebron is responsible for the killing of 29 Arabs, simply because we are here. Just as Hertzelia is responsible for Rabin's assassination, because Yigal Amir lived there…right? And this is, according to Ravitzky, Hebron's message.

Nothing could be farther from the truth, and to connect them is odious. Hebron's message is short and simple. Jews should be allowed to live freely and securely in Eretz Yisrael. Surely, Jews have a right, a G-d given right, a cultural right, a historic right, to live in the first Jewish city in the land of Israel, where they lived for hundreds and thousands of years, prior to the 1929 riots, massacre and expulsion. We have no aspirations to kill anyone or to instigate violence. To the contrary, our goal is to live peacefully and normally, just like any other person, anywhere else in the world. If only our neighbors would let us!

We believe that 'our job' is to live here – our security is in the hands of G-d and the Israeli security forces. It is their responsibility to see to it that we are safe.

The very fact that Ravitzky has the gall to compare us to Hebron's Arab terrorists, who shot at us for over two years, is repulsive. The fact that a supposedly 'responsible' and 'serious' journalist, like Matthew Gutman would see fit to print such rubbish is detestable.

But in the end, it's the headline that says it all: Celebrating Purim in Hebron under a microscope – when everything is said and done, Hebron must be 100% perfect – anything less will find its way into another yellow journalistic expose. I don't know of anywhere else where people are expected to be faultless. Only here. And I admit, we are not flawless. So what? We are people – skin and bones, just like everyone else. Is being less that perfect a crime to be examined under a microscope?

According to Ravitzky, Gutman and too many others, yes, definitely, if you live in Hebron.

In truth, I don't mind being less than perfect. As long as I can be less than perfect in Hebron.

With blessings from Hebron.


Vanunu and Tennenbaum, Yes – Federman, No?

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

March 3, 2004

In a few weeks atomic weapon’s spy Mordechai Vanunu, the Israeli equivalent of the American Rosenberg couple, is due to be released from prison after serving an eighteen year sentence. Vanunu, it might be recalled, was convicted of publicizing Israel’s nuclear secrets, having been employed at the atomic power plant in Dimona. Vanunu’s statements and secretly-photographed pictures caused Israel irreparable security damage. Yet he will not be left in prison to rot for the rest of his life. Shortly he will be set free. This despite Vanunu’s overt threats to continue revealing State secrets.

During a high-level meeting concerning Vanunu a couple of weeks ago, a meeting which included Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, it was decided not to keep Vanunu in jail via an administrative detention order. According to media reports, Sharon himself made this decision.

We are told that Vanunu will have a ‘permanent shadow’ and at the first ‘slip of this tongue’ he will be immediately incarcerated. But, until then, the traitor will be a free man.

Another big-time criminal has also been making headlines: Elhanan Tennenbaum. According to a Knesset subcommittee for security and defense, the Tennenbaum case is one of the most damaging affairs Israel has ever known. It is still unclear whether Tennenbaum’s escapades were strictly criminal, i.e., drug marketing, leading to his abduction by Hezbollah, or whether his original intent was to sell State secrets to our enemies. However, Tennenbaum, whose freedom from captivity cost Israel the release of dozens of terrorists, was offered, and signed, a plea-bargain deal, allowing him to escape further punishment. The only condition is that his initiated activities were not security- related.

It makes no difference whether or not Tennenbaum’s criminal offences were, or were not security-connected. The fact is that the State of Israel is willing to allow a first-class gangster to walk freely on the streets, despite the damage he inflicted on his people.

Conversely, one Israeli citizen has been rotting in an Israeli prison for almost six months, without having been indicted, without having been tried, and without having been convicted. He is the only Israeli in jail due to an administrative detention order, signed by Defense Minister Shaul Mufaz. He has been stripped of all legal due process. His wife and seven children remain virtually fatherless. His name is Noam Federman.

This is not the first time I’ve written about Hebron resident Noam Federman. At least twice before (Free Federman – Oct. 5, 2003 and Federman’s Twilight Zone – July 22, 2002) I have posted articles concerning Federman’s appalling case.

First, an update. Noam Federman was placed under house arrest in the summer of 2002, for ostensibly belonging to the “Bat Ayin” group, three of whom were convicted and jailed. The difference between Federman and the others was that Noam was not put on trial. He was told that his trial would commence only after the trials of the others were concluded. Six months ago, in the middle of an appeal to the Supreme Court, he was arrested while presenting his petition to the judges. The police appeared in the courtroom, handcuffed Federman, and led him away. He was placed in one of the highest security jails in Israel, in a solitary confinement cell, in the same wing with Arab criminals and others, such as Lebanese terrorists Mustepha Dirani and Shech Obeid (who were freed in return for Tennenbaum and the three murdered Israeli soldiers). He was denied kosher food, minimal conditions to allow normal prayer, etc.

Following a lengthy hunger strike lasting months, and due to a tremendous public outcry, which included MKs and others, Federman was moved to a jail in Ashkelon and promised better conditions. Presently, he is incarcerated in a wing with Israeli criminals who have no respect for religious Judaism, he cannot properly maintain Shabbat observances or eat normal hot food on that sacred day, and is allowed to see his family only 45 minutes a week, with a guard sitting next to them to record everything said. Other prisoners in the same jail are also allowed a three-day vacation at their home every month, which Noam is denied. In addition, on the first of every ‘new month’, other prisoners are allowed a three hour family visit. This too is forbidden to Federman.

In short, without having been charged with any crime, Federman’s conditions are abysmal, especially compared to others in the same prison.

In a few weeks, the six month detention order will expire. In order to keep Noam Federman in jail, another order must be issued. People in Israel and around the world, Jews and gentiles alike, are working to bring about Federman’s release from prison. There are several avenues open to public action:

  1. Tomorrow, (Thursday, March 4 – Ta’anit Esther) at 4:00 in the afternoon, a public demonstration will take place outside the Supreme Court building in Jerusalem. At the conclusion of the fast refreshments will be served. All people are urged to attend. Information concerning transportation is available at:
  2. An internet petition calling for Civil Rights for Noam Federman [] contains some 2,000 signatures. It will be presented to Defense Minister Shaul Mufaz in a couple of weeks, a short time before the detention order expires. Organizers have expressed a desire to see that petition reach 5,000 signatures. If you haven’t signed already, please do so, today. And pass the petition link to all your friends and family, requesting that they do the same.
  3. View the new movie about Noam Federman (in Hebrew) and watch the web for other activities. ( and
  4. Read Noam Federman’s pamphlet: Know Your Legal Rights ! A guide to protecting Jewish civil liberties in the land of Israel (It is suspected that Noam’s authoring of this booklet was one of the primary reasons for his arrest!)
  5. Bombard ministers with faxes, emails, and phone calls calling for full civil rights for Noam Federman and his release from administrative detention.

* Minister of Communications Ehud Olmert -
fax 02-666.2909
* Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - 02-566.4838
* Defense Minister Sha'ul Mofaz - 03-697.6218

* Public Security Minister Tzachi HaNegbi - 02-530.8039

* Minister Meir Sheetrit 02-531.7697
* Education Minister Limor Livnat - 02-560.2246
* Justice Minister Tommy Lapid - 02-628.5438

Also call to PM (direct tel 02-670.5527) and the DM 03-697.5750

Demand that Federman be immediately freed from jail!

Ask them: Why do Vanunu and Tennenbaum deserve legal consideration, while Noam Federman is denied even the most basic civil rights?

Try to understand why: Vanunu and Tennenbaum, Yes; and Noam Federman, NO.

With blessings for a Happy Purim from Hebron.


Israel on Trial

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

February 23, 2004

Yesterday was a normal Sunday – the beginning of the week. In Israel we live a five and a half to six day work week which begins on Sunday and ends Friday afternoon. We have a one-day weekend.

Sunday morning – the kids go to school, the parents to work. Nothing out of the ordinary. Sitting at the computer, drinking coffee, running a tour, the same old stuff. Listening to the radio, half-watching the beeper, everyday events. Sirens screeching, ambulance-lights flashing, news bulletins, blood on the street, twisted metal, crushed cars, a bus exploded. Nu, so what’s new? Identifying murdered family members at Abu Kabir, bodies wrapped in a tallis, funerals, cemeteries, weeping and wailing, mourning. Nothing out of the ordinary. Soft, quiet music broadcast on Kol Yisrael radio, a blood-stained text book -“How to be an Israeli citizen,” strewn on the ground amongst body parts. The fate of every good school book, right?

Gruesome? Nauseating? No, no!! This is the mundane existence of every Israeli, the way it’s been now for years. Within two hours after the 14A bus exploded near the Inbal Hotel, across the street from Liberty Bell Park, life had returned to normal. The bus had been towed away and the street cleaned of the wretched remains of a bus-bombing. Israel radio announcers dutifully broadcast the chronology of the day. Reports from the hospitals, how many injured, their condition, identification of the dead, their names, time of the funerals, which cemetery. Pictures in the newspapers, stories of their lives – and a new, added attraction: others from the same family wounded or killed in previous terror attacks. For example, among yesterday’s victims was Lior Azulai, an 18 year-old 12th grader, whose aunt Iris Azulai was killed in a terror attack in Jerusalem 12 years ago. Thirty one year old Yuval Ozana’s uncle was killed four years ago during a Yesha terror attack. Two of his nephews were seriously wounded in the Ben Yehuda bombing two years ago.

Hours later, news headlines: no major reaction expected to morning terror attack; Parts of security fence dismantled. This morning: Sharon in the Knesset: ‘I will take my ‘disengagement plan’ to Washington and present it to President Bush in March.’ And only days ago, “the "Disengagement Plan" is a security measure and not a political one.” “We must be realistic, and prepare for the option that the current situation, in which the Palestinians do not implement their part of the President's vision, will continue. This will create a security and political vacuum. In that case, Israel will take the unilateral security step of disengagement from the Palestinians...This will include the redeployment of IDF forces along new security lines and a relocation of some settlements. Security will be provided by IDF deployment, the security fence and other physical obstacles. These steps will increase the security of the citizens of Israel and make it easier for the IDF and security forces to do their difficult work…Obviously, the "Disengagement Plan" will leave the Palestinians with much less than they would have if they had followed the requirements of the Roadmap.”

In other words, Israel’s present surrender to Arab-Arafat terror is being forced on us. If only the terrorists would cooperate, Israel is prepared to give them more!

This is one side of the coin: Israel vs. Israel. Our own stupid blunders. At the same time there is the other side: Israel vs. the world.

A few days a foreign journalist, interviewing me, scoffed when I remarked that Arabs desiring to leave Israel (including Yesha) have somewhere to go – there are 22 Arab states surrounding us. Yet there is only one Jewish state – we have no where else to go. This is it. She claimed that we all have somewhere to go. “After all,” she said, “you came from New Jersey.” I asked her about my wife, who was born here, or my children and she shrugged it off, saying, “you all came from somewhere.” My response: “you know, sixty years ago, when six million Jews were slaughtered during the holocaust, the world sat and watched. The Europeans and the Americans knew exactly what was happening, yet they did nothing to stop it. They could have bombed the railways or the crematoriums, but preferred not to. As far as I’m concerned, that says only one thing. Jews were being told, “We, the rest of the world, don’t want you living with us. Leave.” So we tried to leave, to come back to Israel. Yet we were told then, and still today, “Eretz Yisrael, the land of Israel really doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to someone else, the Arabs, the ‘palestinians.’” So I ask: the world tells us not to assimilate into their cultures, but we have no right to live in our own land. So where would the world like us to go? To disappear into the sea?

Months ago (in truth, years ago) the Israeli government has decided that the best offense is a good defense. This is, of course, an illogical philosophy, in direct contradiction to rational strategic policy which says that the best defense is a good offence. So much for Ariel Sharon’s legendary military genius.

One of the results of this policy was the decision to build a ‘fence,’ ‘separating’ us from the ‘palestinians.’ The Arabs, fearing that the fence will be the border of a ‘palestinian state’ are fighting its construction and have taken their cause to the nations of the world.

The present ‘Hague Hearings’ are allegedly ‘the case against the fence.’ In reality, the fence question is a smokescreen for a much broader topic: is Israel a legitimate, autonomous state with the right to protect its citizens and ensure its survival, or not? This is the real issue.

Israel decided, rightfully so, not to officially participate in the Hague hearings, claiming that the international court has no jurisdiction over internal security measures implemented by a sovereign state. However, the number 19 Egged bus, bombed a month ago in the heart of Jerusalem, is adorning the street adjacent to the court proceedings. This, a living (or better termed, dead) example of the terrorist war declared against Israel by Arafat three and a half years ago. The terrorist representing Arafat, Nasser al-Kidwa, said this morning that he hoped a decision by the court would result in international sanctions against Israel.

Let there be no mistake – in my opinion the fence is a dreadful mistake. It is not the way to stop terrorism and will be an appalling failure. However, that is a mistake we should be free to make on our own, without international intervention. Our security must be in our hands, not controlled by others. An Arab victory in the Hague is only the first step towards establishment of an ‘international observer force’ stationed in Yesha, resulting in a serious abridgement of Israel’s ability to defend itself against continuing terror. And of course, this is only the beginning.

The Hague Hearings are not about the fence, rather, the State of Israel is on trial.

With blessings from Hebron.


The Ha'aretz Hooligans
by David Wilder
The Jewish Community of Hebron
February 17, 2004

HaAretz is at it again, playing its favorite game, “Hebron Bashing.” Only a few days ago it was announced that David Landau, editor of the English edition of the newspaper, was appointed editor-in-chief of the Hebrew morning daily.

Landau, a religiously observant Jew, actually visited Hebron a few years ago and toured with Noam Arnon and myself. Upon his appointment, Landau stressed that the paper’s traditional views, (extremely left-wing) would not change during his tenure. It seems that Landau set out to immediately prove his point. And what better a way than by viciously attacking Hebron’s Jewish community.

Yesterday HaAretz newspaper printed a piece of journalist junk, an interview with the outgoing head of TIPH – the Temporary International Presence in Hebron. And today the paper’s lead editorial is headlined “Hooligan’s in Hebron.”

Let’s start with TIPH. In order to understand this organization, let’s start with a quote from a former TIPH observer from Norway, interviewed in an Oslo suburb newspaper, ‘Nordstrands Blad’, on April 5, 2000. The article begins, “Hebron has always been a Palestinian city with a small Jewish population.” When asked about Palestinian violence, the observer, Yngvil Mortensen said, “Would you have liked to be checked three times a day by foreign soldiers? Or that your city is occupied by a foreign power? … If we compare with the German occupation of Norway during the 2nd World War, we called the sabotage and attacks on Germans resistance fighting.”

There you have it: A TIPH observer comparing the Jews to Nazis and the Palestinians to resistance fighters.

TIPH is comprised of observers from six nations: Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Turkey and Italy. Most of the Scandinavian observers are human rights activists, while most of the others, from Turkey and Italy, held security-related positions. They are stationed in Hebron as a result of the Hebron Accords, signed and implemented seven years ago. According to their mandate, they are in Hebron to… “assist in monitoring and reporting the efforts to maintain normal life in the City of Hebron, thus creating a feeling of security among Palestinians in the City of Hebron.” A short glance at the TIPH homepage [] as well as the rest of the site, quickly confirms that their presence in Hebron is strictly for ‘the palestinians.’ They care not what happens to the Jews.

This fact is enhanced during the interview with the outgoing TIPH director Jan Kristensen, who condemns curfews imposed on Hebron’s Arabs and destruction of terrorist homes, but says NOT ONE WORD about the vicious attacks and murder of Jews in the Hebron region. Why does Kristensen ignore the killing of 10 month old Shalhevet Pass while sitting in her stroller, of Gadi and Dina Levi, while walking down the street in Hebron on a Saturday afternoon, of Rabbi Eli and Dina Horowitz, while enjoying their Friday night Shabbat meal in Kiryat Arba? Why does he conveniently forget the terror attack which cut down 12 men, soldiers and civilians between Hebron and Kiryat Arba on a Friday night just over a year ago? Why does Kristensen neglect to mention that fact that Hebron’s Jews were shot at, every day and every night, for over two years. That, in the opinion of the ‘head of mission,’ is irrelevant. What is relevant is that, ‘the activity of the settlers and the army in the H-2 area of Hebron is creating an irreversible situation. In a sense, cleansing is being carried out.”

On January 17, 1997, when Israel abandoned 80% of Hebron to Arafat and the PA terrorists, Jibril Rajoub, then head of PA security in Hebron said, “We have liberated 80% of the city. The other 20% is like a heavy weight around our necks, which we must cast off.”

The Arabs have never been bashful about asserting what they view as their legitimate rights to Hebron and its holy sites. Ma’arat HaMachpela, the Tomb of the Patriarchs and Matriarchs, the second holiest site to the Jewish people in the world, was off-limits to Jews for 700 years, from 1267 until 1967, because, according to the Moslems, ‘it is a mosque and only Moslems can worship in a mosque.’ This, despite the fact that the structure above the original caves was build by Herod, King of Judea, 2,000 years ago, i.e., 600 years before Muhammad was born.

A few years ago the deputy Arab mayor of Hebron, Kamel Dweck, in an interview with Aaron Lerner of IMRA reiterated this opinion that only Moslems may pray in Ma’arat HaMachpela, and that should that Arabs ever control the site, Jews would be forbidden from entering and praying there.

Despite these facts, despite the murderous aggression against Hebron’s Jewish population, whose intended goal is the eviction of Jews from Hebron, despite the fact that the IDF actions in Hebron have been implemented strictly to offer protection to Hebron Jewish residents and visitors, while attempting to prevent the spread of Hebron-initiated Arab terror to other parts of Israel, HEBRON’S JEWS ARE PRACTICING ETHNIC CLEASING – NOT THE ARABS!

The Ha’aretz editorial gives full backing to Kristensen’s verbal abuse of Hebron’s residents, and his insinuated demand that Hebron’s Jews be expelled from their homes because, “personally I don’t believe that it is possible for normal life to exist in Hebron between the communities, even if there are agreements between the leaders.”

The Ha’Aretz TIPH-supportive, anti-Hebron editorial demands: “The government must reexamine its forgiving policies toward the extremist settlers in Hebron.” These ‘forgiving policies’ include over 100 criminal files opened by the police last year against Hebron residents and at least 50 cases presently before the court. (A few other interesting ‘forgiving’ statistics. In Netania, there is one policeman per 1,600 people. In Ma’ale Adumim, one policeman per 243 people. In Hebron, there is one policeman per every 138 people! In all of the State of Israel, only 20% of the police files opened are brought to court. In Hebron, 68% of the files are brought to court. Of all the cases brought to trial in Israel, there is an 86% conviction rate. According to attorneys handling Hebron cases, the conviction rate in Hebron is about 25%, and the conviction rate in all of the cases in Judea and Samaria is 54%.)

We fully agree with the editorial position that the Defense Minister must ‘order the properties returned to their lawful owners.’ The ‘properties’ mentioned in the editorial refer to the former ‘Arab market’ which presently houses young Jewish families. This market, which ‘belongs’ to the State Custodian for Abandoned Property, was built on Jewish-owned land, and rightfully belongs to the Jews in Hebron. It should be legally recognized as such by the State of Israel. (See: In addition, many other properties, legally Jewish-owned but presently occupied by Arabs or in possession of the above-mentioned custodian, should be returned to its rightful Jewish owners.

Concerning TIPH, the Hebron Jewish community demands that these anti-Israel, Arab-biased foreigners be removed from Hebron immediately. According to Kristensen, “I ask myself all the time what we are doing in Hebron.” He may not know, but we do. TIPH is a terrorist-serving organization, offering daily support to Jew killers. They have no place in Hebron or in Israel. They, not Hebron’s Jews, must be expelled from the city. (See

As for Ha’aretz, the editorial’s bogus assertion that “it’s not the armed, warmongering settlers who need protection, but the thousands of helpless Palestinians” borders on incitement. We call on the Ha’aretz Hooligans to open their eyes, examine the facts as they really are, not as they imagine them, and stop aiding and abetting the enemies of the State of Israel, who are attacking and murdering its loyal, patriotic citizens.

With blessings from Hebron.


A Jewish Decision

by David Wilder

The Jewish Community of Hebron

February 3, 2004

"I have given an order to plan for the evacuation of 17 settlements in the

Gaza Strip."

"It is my intention to carry out an evacuation - sorry, a relocation - of

settlements that cause us problems and of places that we will not hold onto

anyway in a final settlement, like the Gaza settlements. We are

talking of a population of 7,500 people. It's not a simple matter. We are

talking of thousands of square kilometers of hothouses, factories and

packing plants. People there who are third-generation. The first thing is to

ask their agreement, to reach an agreement with the residents. To move

thousands of dunams of hothouses, educational institutions, thousands and

thousands of vehicles, it's not a quick matter, especially if it's done

under fire."

"I am working on the assumption that in the future there will be no Jews in

Gaza," Sharon added.

So said Ariel Sharon, Prime Minister of the State of Israel, to journalist Yoel Marcus of HaAretz yesterday, February 2, 2004. This morning Deputy Prime Minister Ehud Olmert expressed his opinion that the ‘relocation’ will occur sometime this summer – June or July.

Why? There are any number of possibilities. Perhaps it’s Sharon’s possible upcoming indictment. As was said yesterday, ‘the deeper the legal problems, the deeper the eviction.’ Sharon may believe that he’s ‘saving’ himself, i.e., as long as he faithfully follows the ‘left track’ he will not be indicted.

However, it could also be the opposite. Sharon knows that he’s going, that the axe will fall in the very near future. He may believe that a positive Knesset vote to abandon Gush Katif will obligate any future government, just as Oslo, initiated by a Labor government was accepted as ‘legitimate’ by the following Likud-Netanyahu-Sharon regimes.

American-European pressure, or maybe he really believes this is good for the State of Israel. I wouldn’t discount Alzheimer’s also. The truth is that it really doesn’t matter. What does matter is that Sharon has to go. If anyone had any doubts about Sharon’s intentions, they are now crystal clear. Sharon intends to meet George W. next month, map in hand. And not to have any false impressions…Gush Katif is only the beginning. According to secret information leaked from the Eiland Committee, set up by Sharon to plan massive transfer evictions throughout Yesha, Kiryat Arba and Hebron are potential victims, on the list of communities to be ‘relocated’ along with other South Hebron Hills villages.

We must not live with illusions. Sharon intends to dump tens of thousands of people out of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, effectively destroying a Jewish presence in Yesha. He has said it and he has the capabilities to do it. We have a long record of experience with Arik – he is a builder and he is an evictor. Let’s not forget Yamit.

Besides the actual transfer itself, the dangers inherent in Sharon’s statements are multiple. It goes without saying that each and every word creates additional motivation to kill Jews. Why not? The rewards Israel is granting the terrorists are tangible. The more the blood, the more the land. At the same time the left is licking its chops. The warmonger of the right is about to implement the plans they’ve talked about for decades. This is exactly what Yossi Beilin and Avraham Burg were hoping for when they initiated the Geneva Accords. They will be victorious without even having to dirty their hands.

But the real threat has yet to be mentioned. It’s not the Arabs I’m worried about. They are predictable. The menace is the Jews.

Let’s put the cards on the table. And, there should be no mistake – I am not, in any way, shape or form, supporting or justifying the ideas about to be presented. However, it would be grossly negligent to blatantly ignore them. Sharon has a deeply embedded love of agriculture. So much so that he has not yet stopped planting, for at the moment he could easily be sowing the seeds of an all-out civil war. Let’s face it: there are hundreds of thousands of Israelis who are fervently opposed to abandoning Yesha and evicting tens or hundreds of thousands of people from their homes. Probably, a great number of them would, given little choice, swallow the bitter pill. Not voluntarily – I expect that an overwhelming majority would never leave their homes of their own accord. But they would not go overboard, in other words, they would not use weapons against police, soldiers or any other security force expelling them. But, make no mistake, there probably are those who would. It’s scary, and it would be a big big mistake on their part. However, it is practically impossible to prevent. There is not, in all of Israel today, any leader who is accepted by everyone. There is no one who could ‘give orders’ thereby preventing anyone from pulling the trigger. Israelis are, as a rule, extremely independent.

The culpable parties would not necessarily originate in Yesha. Yitzhak Rabin’s assassin came from Hertzelia. And part of the problem is that such acts tend to snowball. It’s difficult to know where it would end. Unfortunately we already witnessed the murder of one prime minister. It would be an immense criminal act if high-level politicians were again targeted – not by Arab terrorists, but by unbalanced Israelis. We should all have learned by now that violence is not the solution, that differences, as deep as they are, cannot and should not be dealt with via guns and explosives. That only exacerbates already flammable situations. But it is almost impossible to prevent or disregard. The possibility does exist.

Again – all these forecasts are not based on any ‘inside information’ and would, in my opinion be Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!! Murder and political assassination cannot be condoned. But one would have to be blind to ignore the potential.

And it is all Ariel Sharon’s fault. He is chopping up Eretz Yisrael into little pieces, boiling them together with a multitude of Israeli Jews - Am Yisrael, in a cauldron placed atop a mammoth scorching bonfire. It should be obvious that the contents will boil over.

This is all easily preventable. A few days ago, at the ceremony marking the return of the bodies of our three soldiers from Lebanon, Sharon spoke, defending his decision to release hundreds of terrorists. He said, “We have taken all aspects into consideration, we have seriously considered and weighed all the information, and finally we placed on the scales a decisive weight: it is called, "Jewish Sentiment. I have no other word to describe the decision to bring the boys home, to the soil of our homeland, carrying a heavy price other than a "Jewish Decision".

Jewish Sentiment is not exclusive to murdered prisoners of war. It certainly should play a role when dealing with Eretz Yisrael. Sharon must make a real “Jewish Decision” – to stop his follies or resign. Otherwise the Knesset will be burdened with the "Jewish Decision," by voting Sharon and his government out of office.

With blessings from Hebron.


Kill Jews – It Works!
by David Wilder
The Jewish Community of Hebron
January 29, 2004

Why do Arabs continue to kill Jews?

It’s clear that the suicide bomber who exploded in a Jerusalem bus this morning, murdering 10 Jews (as of this writing) and wounding about 50, was acting out the goodness of his heart.

While the ‘palestinian policeman’ from Bethlehem, who belonged to Gedudei El-Aktza of Arafat’s Fatah, was blowing the #19 bus to smithereens next to Ariel Sharon’s official residence, Israel was in the process of implementing the ‘prisoner exchange’ with Hezbollah. Israel released, not only 400 live terrorists, but also 60 bodies of dead Hezbollah warrior terrorists. Today’s terrorist attack was an attempt to even the equation. After all, we were only getting three bodies back. So the terrorist exploded in an effort to even the score. Ten killed, fifty wounded, equals 60. Plus three soldiers’ bodies – Israel comes out on top.

That’s one reason to kill Jews. But of course, there are more.

Two days the Yesha Council held a unique press conference, during which they revealed the contents of ‘secret discussions’ between Yesha leaders and the highest levels of the Prime Minister’s office. These leaders met, one at a time, with Dov Weisglass, Sharon’s Chief of Staff. He offered them a seemingly, tantalizing deal. The Sharon government would ‘disengage’ from seven Yesha communities sometime in the near future. Those communities named were: Kfar Darom, Netzarim and Morag, in Gush Katif, Kadim and Ganim in northern Shomron, and Sa-Naur and Homesh in central Shomron. In return, Sharon promised to refrain from any other ‘disengagements’ until a final agreement with the PA terrorists. In addition, he promised to try and ‘save’ the rest of Gush Katif in Gaza.

At the press conference, the Yesha Council vehemently rejected this ‘deal,’ calling it a disgrace. But that’s not really what is important. What is important is that the ‘deal’ was offered in the first place. Our Arab enemies could view this planned eviction of Jews from at least two different perspectives. On the one hand, they must have been disappointed at the small number of communities Sharon was offering to destroy. But, on the other hand, the very fact that Ariel Sharon, the great warmonger, the brain behind Sabra and Shatila, would even consider deleting any Jewish settlements in Israel must have been seen as a great victory.

Their analysis must have been short and sweet. The reason behind Sharon’s proffered ‘disengagement’ was simple. The above-named communities and their surrounding vicinities are all prime targets of Arab terror attacks. Numerous security forces are needed to provide them with even semi-adequate protection. Sharon himself said, not too long ago, to a group of Bedouins that he hopes the time will soon come when Israeli troops will no longer have to serve in Gaza. Why? Because it’s too violent there.

The terrorists may not all be university graduates, but simple arithmetic isn’t beyond their capabilities. They know that one plus one equals two. Kill Jews plus Kill More Jews equals capitulation-withdrawal-‘disengagement.’ One need not be a genius to figure it out.

Actually, today’s prisoner exchange is a case in point. In truth, were I in a decision-making position, I really don’t know what I’d do. It is similar to a King Solomon trial (when having to decide which woman the baby belonged to, Solomon commanded that it be cut in half). But the absurdity of the deal screams out to the heavens. Elhanan Tennenbaum, an Israeli colonel in the reserves, whose kidnapping is cloaked in mystery and question marks was freed. In addition Israel received the bodies of three soldiers who were killed by Hezbollah on the Lebanese border for the purpose of kidnapping them. Hezbollah terror leader Nasrallah is already on record proclaiming that he will kidnap more Israeli soldiers in order to use them to liberate other captured terrorists.

In return Israel was forced to release four hundred! live terrorists – four hundred, most of whom will undoubtedly return to their favorite pastime – and we all know what that is. (See: Jibril, Achmad: Victory Over Israel - How I Added One Thousand Soldiers to my Private Terror Force.)

It seems that the nucleus of the deal was not Tennenbaum or the dead soldiers. Rather, it is the missing aviator Ron Arad. Israel has been promised, at the very least, information concerning Arad, and particularly, whether he is still alive. For that information we will release another Arab murderer. The price to obtain Arad, living or dead, will be astronomical.

In other words, Israel, pushed into a corner, is continuing to acquiesce. Our enemies take the offensive, we take the defensive, they are victorious and we lose.

One of rules of Israeli negotiations centers on the principle which states that terrorists ‘with blood on their hands’ i.e., who have murdered Israelis, will not be released from jail. Despite this code of conduct, several Arabs with ‘blood on their hands’ were today set free. And ten others, with blood on their hands and faces, legs and arms, all over their bodies, were also liberated – not from Israel, but from this world, for eternity.

Hamas spokesman Abdel Aziz Rantissi said after today’s bombing, “It's not important who carried out this operation. The only thing which is very important is that we are resisting occupiers who came ... to occupy our land and to kill our people."

Rantissi isn’t talking about Gaza – he’s talking about Jerusalem and Hebron, Tel Aviv and Haifa, Eilat and Kiryat Shemona. It's only logical. After all, Sharon is folding – in the midst of a war he’s offering to ‘disengage’ from Israeli communities, he’s offering a palestinian state, he’s releasing hundreds of terrorists from Israeli jails, in return for…. Killing Jews!

So, in reality why not KILL JEWS - IT WORKS!

With blessings from Hebron.

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