Wednesday, October 30, 1996

Impending Disaster?

Hebron-Past, Present and Forever
by David Wilder
Impending Disaster?
October 30, 1996

     Yesterday, tens of thousands of Israelis poured into
a   storm-struck   Jerusalem  to  protest   the   planned
abandonment of Hebron. In New York, a group of  concerned
Jews  chanted  in front of the Israeli consulate,  "Don't
abandon  Hebron."  This morning a personal representative
of President Clinton visited Hebron to learn, first-hand,
about Hebron.
     And the negotiations continue.

      Two  major  issues must be confronted.  The  Jewish
Community of Hebron has learned that all Jewish property,
including  the  buildings presently lived  in  by  Jewish
residents,  and all the property owned by Jews  prior  to
the   1929  massacre,  is  to  be  transferred  to  total
palestinian control.  All Jewish property in  Hebron  was
held  by  a  Jordanian  `guardian' following  the  forced
removal of the surviving Jews in 1929.  In 1967, with the
return  of  Israel to Hebron, an Israeli  `guardian'  had
official authority over all Jewish land and houses.  This
authority  is  now  to be transferred  to  a  palestinian
      Should  this  actually  happen,  all  construction,
anywhere in Hebron, on Jewish property, will be dependent
on  permission from the palestinian `guardian.'  HE  WILL

       The   second   issue  to  be  addressed   concerns
administrative detention and curfews.  According to media
accounts in all Israeli newspapers today, the "Shabak"  -
otherwise  known  as Israeli intelligence,  is  demanding
that  dozens of `right-wing extremists,' especially  from
Hebron  and  the  Hebron area, be placed under  immediate
administrative detention. There are also  rumors  that  a
curfew  will  be  placed upon Jews in Hebron-Kiryat  Arba
before  commencement of abandonment.  There  are  reports
that  `redeployment' will be implemented by  the  end  of
next week, should the agreement be signed.

      The  time has come for the Netanyahu government  to
reveal,  to one and all, its true self.  We have assumed,
based  on previous statements, declarations, and actions,
that  Bibi  Netanyahu's heart is actually in  the  `right
place,' in spite his continued implementation of the Oslo
curse.   Netanyahu  is, at least in  theory,  not  Shimon
Peres.   There  really  is no need to  enumerate  why  we
worked  so  hard to put him in office.  The  reasons  are
known to all.
      However, it is possible that we were mistaken,  and
should that be the case, our error is very grave, indeed.
The  above-described  intentions to transfer  all  Jewish
property  to  Arafat is more drastic  than  the  original
`Peres-Arafat' agreement.  How does a government, elected
on  a  platform guaranteeing continued Jewish development
in   Hebron,  literally  strangle  the  existing   Jewish
community!?   How  can a Prime Minister who  has  written
books  on  combating terrorism, reward Arafat  with  more
than  even  Peres was willing to do?  How can an  Israeli
administration create a situation making Hebron, de jure,
Judenrein?  Jews have no property rights, no land rights,
in  Hebron,  the cradle of  Jewish civilization?   If  we
have  no land rights in Hebron,  if we can't walk  freely
and   live   normally  in  the  city  of  Abraham,   what
justification do we have in Tel-Aviv or Haifa.  If Hebron
is  defined as `conquered territory,' what is the  status
of  Jerusalem.   Ma'arat HaMachpela is 3,700  years  old.
The Kotel is 2,000 years old.

      Administrative detention is a means to  incarcerate
suspected  terrorists.   It is a  procedure  utilized  to
combat  terrorist attacks and, used properly, is  a  very
effective  tool.   However, the  previous  administration
began using it to smother political activists whose ideas
and   philosophies  differed  from  their  own.    In   a
democratic  state,  a person suspected  of  committing  a
crime  is indicted and tried in a court of law.  If found
guilty,  he  is punished.  If acquitted, he is  released.
There  is  no justification to restrict movement  of  any
citizen in a free, democratic state, and all the more so,
a person may not be imprisoned without just cause and due
process of law.
      The  previous  administration  used  administrative
detention   and   house   arrest  to   stifle   political
expression.   Baruch Marzel, prevented from  leaving  his
home  for  over  two  and  a half  years,  has  now  been
presented with an additional renewed administrative house
arrest  order.  As reported above, tens of Jews may  soon
be  arrested  by  order of the Netanyahu  government,  in
complete contradiction to due process of law.
      Should  the  Netanyahu government actually  execute
these  orders,  and, at the same time,  while  abandoning
Hebron,  transfer all property rights to  Arafat,  Israel
will  truly  be  facing catastrophe, no  less  than  that
threatened  by the preceding Peres administration.   This
impending  disaster is not so much going to be caused  by
our    enemies.     Rather   our   own   government,    a
`nationalistic'  regime, may bring upon  its  own  people
devastation beyond belief.

      The only consolation I have to offer is that if we,
the Jewish Community of Hebron have anything to say or do
about it, it will not happen.

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